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moral autonomy中文是什么意思

用"moral autonomy"造句"moral autonomy"怎么读"moral autonomy" in a sentence


  • 道德自律


  • The exploratory research of moral autonomy in modern western philosophy
  • Moral autonomy and cultural habits : contextual approach in western confucian studies
  • As mr law puts it , “ anyone who emphasizes the importance of moral autonomy must , be default be a relativist
    老先生在书中如此描述他们的观点, “凡是强调道德观自主的人都是中庸主义者。 ”
  • In defending free speech , ronald dworkin stresses that any censorship on grounds of content is inconsistent with the liberal commitment to individual moral autonomy
  • Therefore , it is viewed as self - contradictory , to interpret confucianism in terms of kant ' s " moral autonomy " and " gesinnungsethik , " together with weber ' s " verantwortungsethik "
  • A variety of objective causes which include institutive , traditional cultural and historical influence lead to administrative ethic problems in countryside villages and towns . at the same time , subjective cause that administrators lose their moral autonomy is also responsible for them
  • Emphasis of the positive participation and supervision which come from the autonomous organzation of villagers and nongovernmental groups should be placed on , and villagers " moral responsibility consciousness should be heightened in the administrative ethic construction of countryside villages and towns . in addition , it is important to advocate moral autonomy of all - level administrators , in order to eliminate subjeticve cause which lead to administrative ethic problems in countryside villages and towns
用"moral autonomy"造句  
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